Introducing a new WOW word is a time for you to set the focus for the month! I typically spend five minutes sharing our word with the boys. If they are still engaged at the end of our time, we go straight into cutting and gluing our memory verse, or we may save this for another day/time!

We all sat down in a circle together as I explained, ” ‘Forgive as the Lord forgave you’ is our scripture this month! We forgive others when they do something mean to us or hurt our feelings because God forgives us, everyday over and over again!”
Then, I held out my arm and made a horizontal and vertical line. These words were new for my four and two year old, so we took time to talk about how a vertical line is straight up and down and represents God (at the top) forgiving us (at the bottom). A horizontal line is a straight line across and represents us forgiving each other.

Throughout the month, I continue using this visual with my arm when we pray to ask God for forgiveness and when I want to remind the boys to forgive someone else. It seems as though one of my boys can easily tune out my words but he always responds to a visual cue!
If your child is having trouble understanding forgiveness try using this language:
Forgiveness is not saying what a person did was okay, but that you decide to not hold it against them and you choose to not hold a grudge.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting, it takes time for hurt feelings to heal with Jesus’ help.

This last picture is real life! It feels like none of my boys are ever all listening at the same time. Chip is eating the most unhealthy snack he could find, Justice needs my attention, Whit will not let me put him down without screaming and Banks can barely sit still! Satan wants me/us as parents to throw in the towel, whispering lies like, “Stop trying so hard. Not a good time. They are not getting anything out of this! Four young kids is just too much.” But we will not stop. We will not give up because the Lord is our portion and we trust in Him.
“His power is made perfect in weakness.”
2 Corinthians 12:9
I believe He is faithful and will take our measly attempts as parents to bring glory to His name, forever.