We often pray that the Holy Spirit would be at work in us growing this fruit of the spirit that we so long to possess and in turn share with others. But growth is difficult, and so often goes unnoticed until we see the “fruit” days, months, or even years later.
As I read Paul’s words from 1 Thessalonians, I was speechless. The example he gives of gentleness is a mother taking care of her babies. Could this season of having young children be God’s way of growing gentleness in us? I am slowly realizing that this gentleness we so naturally possess when we have a young child is not meant to leave us as they grow but instead grow with them!
What if the interruptions we experience when our quiet time is suddenly shattered by a baby who refuses to sleep or simply a toddler who wants to be held, are not actually interruptions at all, but rather divine appointments for us to grow in gentleness? An opportunity for our hearts to be more like His who has said, “for I am gentle and humble in heart.” Matthew 11:29
This month, I have been convicted that the same gentleness I used when my boys were in the newborn stage is the same gentleness that should be evident my tone, facial expressions, words, and actions today… and not just with my boys, but to all, as our Bible Verse reminds us.
But, the BEST part, the most amazing thing, and what brings tears to my eyes is thinking about our Savior using this kind of gentleness with me and you!
“He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.” Isaiah 40:11
This month, my boys have called out my harsh and scratchy, ‘sandpaper’ words more than I can count but as I am more and more aware of the tender gentleness of the Father, I pray that it renews my mind and fills my cup with gentleness that overflows to others.